10699437316_bf4314d559_kFederal Twist was on the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's Bucks County Garden tour last Sunday. (Okay, I'm in New Jersey. But Bucks County is only three miles away!)We had a great turnout--far more visitors than I expected at this time of year.The garden is in one of those "in between" times so I set up a slide show of the garden in all four seasons. Several visitors asked me to put it up on my blog. You can access it by clicking on the photo above. That will take you to my Flickr page. Click on the third symbol from the right near the top (it looks like a box) to start the slide show, which will open in a new window. To stop it close the window, or use your Esc key. Sorry I can't make it simpler than that.(All photos copyright James Golden)