Summer morning

Following the post on nightfall, what better than a view of a summer morning in brightening sunlight ... rather, dappled light? Might we say, pied beauty?xFT sunny late morning 008"Glory be to God for dappled things—For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches' wings;Landscape plotted and pieced—fold, fallow, and plough;And áll trades, their gear and tackle and trim.All things counter, original, spáre, strange;Whatever is fickle, frecklèd (who knows how?)With swíft, slów; sweet, sóur; adázzle, dím;He fathers-forth whose beauty is pást change:Práise hím." *xFT sunny late morning 009(Sorry, I know of no degenderized version of that ... and it certainly would spoil the poem.)xFT sunny late morning 013So let's look at the light, shadow, speckles, spots, folds, grooves, crevices ...xFT sunny late morning 016... a falling away of lines, diagonals, shimmering panicles, starbursts ...xFT sunny late morning 020... devious interweavings and convergences ...FT sunny late morning 023 xFT sunny late morning 027 xFT sunny late morning 030 xFT sunny late morning 031... the wonder of a living veil of grass ...xFT sunny late morning 037... a tumbling down ...xFT sunny late morning 039... to this.xFT sunny late morning 045... looming, towering, immanent, imminent ...xLate sool sunny morning 007 xLate sool sunny morning 009... pure, cloud-like ...xLate sool sunny morning 019 xLate sool sunny morning 022 xLate sool sunny morning 030 xLate sool sunny morning 041... two umbellifers, both Eupatorium, with shapely curves ...xLate sool sunny morning 048 xLate sool sunny morning 050... Sanguisorbas, ornaments to the garden ...xLate sool sunny morning 052 xLate sool sunny morning 053 xLate sool sunny morning 056 xLate sool sunny morning 060 xLate sool sunny morning 061 xLate sool sunny morning 064 xLate sool sunny morning 066... the old crab apple, sentinel in shade ... perhaps the thing that watches ...xLate sool sunny morning 079 * Gerard Manley Hopkins, Pied Beauty