Monarda 'Blaustrumpf' and 'Clair Grace' don't shout for attention, even in the entrance garden, but their nectar brings a frenzied whirl of bees and wasps, and, in great numbers, these Hummingbird moths.

This is a North American genus, Hemaris thysbe. Wikipedia says it is not to be confused with a similar Hummingbird moth prevalent throughout Europe and across Asia to Japan, which is an entirely different genus, Macroglossum stellatarum.

In fact, a local New Jersey web page tells me these photos are not of Hemaris thysbe, but a variant named Hemaris gracilis.

I suppose the point is that my garden seems to be quite wildlife friendly.

The main garden in the back is a haven for the Praying mantis and many other insects. Strangely no mosquitoes, probably because our thousands of frogs (I do not jest) prevent them.

Twice recently I've found the skeletons of small animals--a fox and a rabbit, I think--so there must be predators too. Interesting to speculate what they might be.

Two weeks ago a great black bear was at the front door!