The circle of red logs was my first deliberate attempt to evoke ambiguity, uncertainty, questioning. Some immediately recognize it as a memorial to the Native Americans who lived in these hills, others simply see it as a red complement to the green of the garden, others don't know what to make of it. That's okay.

Marc Rosenquist's bronze sculpture, added this summer, serves a similar purpose, because its shape is ambiguous. What is it meant to depict, if it does depict anything? The ambiguity, I hope, moves the mind from a simple appreciation, to curiosity, at least, and perhaps toward questions of meaning.

Ultimately, I'm aiming for a sense of mystery, perhaps even for an encounter with the unknowable, or an echo of that. I realize this is not a very fashionable notion, except in limited circles, in current days.

Photos of bark paths by Ragnar Naess