'Girly Gardens and Kim Wilkie links', an intriguing posting on Noel Kingsbury's blog, recently led me to ThinkinGardens, a site 'for people who want more than gardening from gardens'.

One of the joys of the Internet is the ability it gives us to make connections, meet other people with interests we share, and gain exposure to new ideas. I've been searching garden blogs for three years looking for a community that views gardening as an aesthetic practice worthy of serious attention. I have found little like this in the US. If you believe a garden can be much more than a place to feed shrubbery to deer, lounge in the sun, or grow diseased roses, or if you just like thinking about gardens (fairly common, isn't it?), go to the ThinkinGardens site and explore the contributions of an international community who want to 'rethink' the very concept of garden.